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Fife Branch

phone iconParkinson's UK National Helpline 0808 800 0303

Parkinson's Fife Shop

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You can purchase tickets to our events, such as The Summer and Winter Ceilidh, Outings, BBQ’s, Branch Luncheons or register for free events such as Speaker Events, Picnics, Etc.

Events Shop

Fife Branch Summer Ceilidh

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Summer Ceilidh Thursday 11th July at Dunnikier Golf Club 6pm to 9:30pm.


Everyone is invited to join us for an evening of entertainment. Tickets are £16 and include traditional Scottish dancing and Parkinson’s shuffling, accompanied by Bernie Hewitt with

his accordion as well as a two course meal. There will also be a raffle, so please bring a prize. Buy your tickets HERE.

Fife Branch Related Outlets


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Mark Coxe, who is a member of Parkinson's Fife Branch, has written two books of poetry. He takes a sideways glance at having Parkinson's, enduring the Covid Pandemic and Life in General.

Both books are on sale here and all of the profits are donated to Parkinson's UK and his local Branch.

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Visit the Parkinson's UK Shop
for everything Parkinson's related from Living Aids to badges, you'll find it here.