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Fife Branch

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Christmas Party Joy

15/12/23 | By: Mark Coxe

Fife Christmas Party was enjoyed by everyone who took part.

A merry Christmas thank you to everyone who joined us at our monthly gathering in Glenrothes. There were the 'usual suspects' but it was great to see some new people join us as well. We even had some surprise guests when some of our local Psychiatric Nurse team arrived, shortly followed by Anita who is one of the Area Development Officers for Parkinson's UK.

Well done to everyone who brought food for the sumptuous buffet and our thanks go to Karen and Steven from the Bridge Centre who have looked after us all year.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered and helped out to make this a very special day in our calendar.

Our next meeting is on January 11th as usual, although we won't be playing party games or dressing up, we can guarantee an enjoyable afternoon.